In case you come across duplicate contacts, you can easily merge them together and combining the information. Go to Contacts /Click the gear icon on the right side for Contact Manager and go to Merge Duplicate Contacts.
The duplicate contact merge will search your contact database by the criteria you select, and then show you a full list of duplicate contacts. You can choose to merge all the contacts or merge them one by one.
Each set of duplicates has a primary contact whose data is considered first. For example, that means that the merged contact will have the same date added, folder, etc. as the primary contact.
When you choose to merge contacts, your new contact will have the following information merged or copied from the existing contacts:
Email Addresses
Phone Numbers
DNC Info
Dial Session History
Contact Activity
The following information will be maintained from the primary contact.
Contact Folder
Custom Fields
On the Merge Duplicate Contacts page, you will have the choice to Find Duplicates by Name, Phone Number, or email. Select your choice from the dropdown.
Review the Starred Contact which is the original into which the new contact will be merged then click on Merge if you are confident that the new information on the new contact needs to be imported.